Iápi Wakán: Sacred Languages - Bonus Interviews
Air Date: September 20, 2024
A collection of bonus interviews conducted and produced by Lindell Haywahe, Amanda Leader, and William Alexander Yuzicapi. Our producers interviewed a variety of individuals so they could share their life journeys as fluent and student speakers of their languages.
Iápi Wakán: Sacred Languages
Lindell Haywahe, Amanda Leader, William Alexander Yuzicapi
Episode Guest
Chief Darcy Bear has been the Chief of Whitecap Dakota First Nation for over twenty years. Chief Darcy Bear was born on the Whitecap Dakota First Nation. His grandparents raised him with the knowledge of his Dakota history and culture.
Episode Guest
Keegan McArthur is a learner of the Nakoda language and attended the Oćeti Śakowin: Iapi Wakan Ayuwankan Eunhnakapi (Promoting the Spirit of our Language) Live Conference at the Dakota Dunes Resort in 2024.
Episode Guest
Matthew Spencer B.A., B.Ed. is a community historian and language instructor from Carry the Kettle Nakoda Nation. He is currently living in Regina and studying ways to improve Nakoda language retention for learners of all ages.
Episode Guest
My name is Shayna McArthur - Wagíya Wakán Wįya. I am a Nakoda from the Whitebear First Nation. I am currently in the B.Ed. Indigenous Education Program at the First Nations University of Canada. I have been raised in the Nakoda traditions and life ways, and I am a language learner of the Nakoda language.
Episode Guest
Champion dancer, politician and pow-wow MC, Tommy Christian from Poplar MT is well respected in all three areas. Tommy has remained grounded, humble, and gained vast amounts of knowledge from teachings of the elders. He will share his knowledge and guidance on how he prepares mentally, physically, and spiritually for dancing and how that translates into preparing for life.
Listen to Duane share what he learned from his Elders and relatives about the History of his people, the Oceti Sakowin through storytelling.