Sîkîp Sâkahikanihk Keyteyayak Âcimowina

(Stories of Waterhen Lake Elders) on Nēhiyawak (Plains Cree) Health and Traditional Practices

The five podcast segments share with you some words of wisdom from five Cree Elders living in Christine Fiddler’s home community. These interviews were completed for the Waterhen Lake First Nation Oral History Project from December 2018 to March 2022 in which Christine was a researcher. The aim of this project was to have Elders’ perspectives and stories recorded, to create a permanent record of their experiences that could, ultimately, become the basis of the community’s collective history.

These five Elders were chosen specifically for this podcast include most of who are her family and close relations—who speak on treaties, traditional practices, and healing for Cree people in Northwest Saskatchewan. Their words may be helpful for those who want to learn the Cree language, and the teachings and intricate knowledge found within that language.

Language(s): Cree
